Hope Garden
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Hope Garden by Multiple Authors


Hope isn’t something you WILL into existence.

It is something that is produced in a well-tended garden, one that flourishes with the constant presence of gratitude, praise and worship, wisdom from God, time in His Word, prayer, and reflection.

Praise is the prescription for hope, gratitude increases faith, and faith lends to a hope that does not disappoint.

Following this study journal to get closer to the Source of all good things, closer to God Himself.

How to use this study journal:

• make time for it daily or weekly

• “slow and steady” is the name of this game

• carry it proudly with your copy of another devotional by Michael, such as Hope When it Hurts: The Scars that Shape Us or As We Fight: A Weekly Guide Through the Warfare of Worship

• for kindling to keep your fire going (figuratively)

How not to use this journal:

• beat yourself up for not being consistent

• lose hope when you don’t see progress

• use this as a replacement for your bible reading

• for kindling to keep your fire going (literally, if you get the paperback)

This study journal is broken down with a completed entry at the beginning of each part to be used as an example. Fill them out with your present self. Use this study journal however you feel led, and have fun with it.

If you have the print version, draw in the margins, doodle in empty spaces, add your own flair. When it’s full, get another or start a similar one in a blank journal. There are extra journaling pages at the end as well to use however you’d like.

Use the digital version to get prompts and ideas for your own journaling, or get the print version now!

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