The Hills of Vincere Ridge
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The Hills of Vincere Ridge by Mark J Musser

"The contemporary and controversial are tackled in a book for our times!" Life is anything but easy for fourteen year-old Jason Collins. Adopted and raised by a same-sex couple, his standard school day consists of lingering stares, not-so-subtle whispers, and outright bullying. His only escape, hours of quiet solitude working on his golf swing. Then one weekend, hearing the words of Jesus--Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest--Jason comes, trusting those words to prove true. Life, however, gets infinitely more difficult. While his moms struggle with his decision to trust Christ, a publicity seeking pastor manipulates the teen into petitioning for new legal guardians, setting off a firestorm of protests, picketing, and media baiting. Enter TJ Lanter, a former professional golfer still working to overcome his own tragic past. Together, the two fight to use their shared loved of golf to create a bond that enables both to see through their pain and discover that Jesus does indeed embrace the weary and give them rest.
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